Saturday, July 21, 2007

A Mom and Her Girl

After a little contemplation, I've chosen to join the blogosphere. My name is Nikki and my 6-year-old daugher is "the girl". My late grandmother would often ask about her namesake by saying things like, "Where's the girl?" or "When are you bringing the girl over?" So, that is how I will affectionately refer to my daughter here. ***Here's a shout out to Grandma in the ethers!! We miss you!***

My ex-husband, Kerry and I have been planning on homeschooling the girl since birth. We have taken a very relaxed approach - pretty much just lived, played, read, taken walks, and collected bits of nature. That has been the gist of our take on early education and frankly, it has been quite successful. As we venture into her 7th year (the girl's birthday is in October), I feel like moving into a more structured direction. I've been looking at Waldorf information for years and it seems like a lovely fit. So, with materials, a curriculum, and other resources gathered as a guide for this newbie, I'm getting ready. But I have to admit that I'm nervous.

Kerry and I have similar life philosophies, our desire to homeschool the girl is strong, and we are in agreement about the type of education we want for her, but the reality is that we are divorced and operating separate households. She spends equal time each week at both houses. How many other families have even tried to homeschool like this? Has anyone else made it work before? Surely we aren't the first, but I often feel alone in my concerns. I work 12-hour shifts when the girl is with her dad, so on the days when she is with me, we have full days. I believe we have the resources to be successful, and I am holding onto faith that this will be the beautiful blessing I want it to be. I am very encouraged by the stories of other homeschooling families. I am hoping that as I make connections with others, both locally and via online communities, I will be increasingly inspired.

In all honesty, I can't wait to start. Do you remember that feeling you had when playing jump rope with your friends? You are standing beside the rope, watching as your friends twirl it , moving your body to match the rhythm. As you wait for the right moment, you know you can't dawdle, you just have to jump. There is a giddyness, a hesitant excitment. That is how I feel right now; I'm gathering momentum and getting into a rhythm. And jumping in with both feet seems to be the best approach for me.


Jen said...

i give a resounding YES to this blog and to gathering momentum in general. lotsa love!

starfish said...

sweet! We have decided to homeschool both girls next year,too. I'm glad you are blogging, I can see what you are up to. - Krystina.

Aleisha said...

You are an awesome inspiration woman! Nightowl will LOVE keeping up with The Girl via a blog - she misses her chum!

See you soon and keep blogging - I'll link to you!

kris said...

fabulous 1st post love! you guys are gonna do great, and it's about time you joined blogland(!)

you just left my house and i miss you already:(

hope your trip north goes as well as you want and i can't wait to hear about it....

kris said...

me again, there will probly be like 8 comments from me when you get back, i was just reading your profile of the girl and i have something that you should add: poet(!)